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Posting your page

These tips are the same for Blog posts, Articles, Media Releases, News items, Reviews, Items, Resources and Speeches.

Index Display – how people find your post on a page and how it is often displayed.

If you have your content already prepared, the form loading should take no more than 1 to 3 minutes.  Each step in your entry is assisted with a pop-up prompt.

We recommend using an up-to-date version of Edge, Google Chrome or Firefox as your web browser for posting.

What you need before you post

You will need copy and a digital image - ideally a relevant photograph. You might also have copied web links to embed in your copy.

Copy: Use a Word file, Notepad or similar to prepare copy, ready to copy and paste. Never paste it directly from an email, other website page or PDF because it can corrupt the page layout. 

An image: It is uploaded in 2 places (Index Image) and (Page Image) but it can be a repeat of the same image. Your image, before upload from your desktop or files, should be a minimum of 400 pixels wide or deep. You can use a jpg, gif, tiff, png, bmp or svg file.

Form upload

Page Name: Use a simple and descriptive title. The post will NOT load if it has an identical name to another post already loaded into the particular website – first-in-first-served. Make the name unique, even if slightly changed. Trial and error may be needed. Use caps and lower case and avoid ALL CAPS. 

Page Content: Enter the information for the post. Use the Text Editor function (the tools above where you place your main copy) to make headings and links, etc. Once copy is pasted, you might need to adjust the paragraph spaces to make the page look even and check that the copy-and-paste has not altered the sentence breaks.

Author: This is captured on a Name Roll so be short and consistent with each post, otherwise the system might think you are more than one person and repeat it. The name could be a person’s name (important for blog posts), or a neutral name such as ‘Editor’. Avoid adding titles or job descriptions, and using multiple names in the same post.

Location: Select your region and then enter your town name. The region will generally be available in a dropdown, then enter a single town name only, e.g. just Auckland NOT Auckland City and don't use a town name mixed with a suburb. The location entry is a broadcast element, in the same way categories are.

Categories: Take special and deliberate care in selecting from the pre-set dropdowns because this activates broadcasts to category pages. Select according to the subject of your post and all the obvious categories, e.g. Arts Culture. You will have a limit of 8 category options to click. Your first selection is shown in Index Displays, so choose the first appropriately. 

Index Image: Display an image on Index Display pages (see display example at the top of this page). Your image, before you upload, should be a minimum of 400 pixels wide or deep. It will be auto-cropped in the website to best fit a square shape (100 x 100 pixels) or, alternatively say a horizontal rectangle (250 x 196 pixels). 

Page Image: Display an image on your posted page. Your image, before you upload, should be a minimum of 400 pixels wide or deep. It will be auto-cropped in the website to best fit a horizontal rectangle (250 x 196 pixels).

Save your Post: Once you have completed the post, tick the terms and conditions box and SAVE. It may take up to a minute to crunch all your category and location data into rules (broadcasting code), so be patient.

Edit your post: Once the post is saved, you will be delivered to the post on an Index Display. Click into the post and check it. If you wish to make further adjustments, click on 'Edit Your Page' at the top of the posted page. Note, full admin access manager should always edit using the peel-out (top right of page).

Note: The form upload makes it easy to post content, so offers only basic tools. If you wish to embellish the page with more images and a changed layout, you should contact the website manager to request assistance.

Your post will be broadcast to other websites

Pages posted into a website, such as this one, may be broadcast by the website owner to other websites on the Flightdec Communities platform. Please therefore only post once, in a website on the Flightdec platform. Multiple entries on different Flightdec websites may create broadcast clashes and could result in websites blacklisting your posts.

When you post, the website will be alerted to the post and has the right to allow or disallow display in that website. You may make further adjustments after submitting the post although once it's approved by the website manager, further changes require you to update the post and re-enter for a fresh approval by the website manager.

The website manager is under no obligation to display your post, or broadcast it, or enter into discussion with you about your posting.

Note: If you have received a special permission, your posts may not be subject to moderation and will go live immediately.

Useful guidelines for posting

To Cut, Copy or Paste content on the website (not for Mac) you need to use your computer Ctrl Keys as follows:

Copy: Ctrl C
Paste: Ctrl V
Cut: Ctrl X

Javascript is required on your computer but generally comes automatically loaded with your browser. However, any operational failure may be due to your Javascript being disabled and you’ll need to activate it for full functionality.

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