Membership Associations
The value of belonging to an Association is often the ability to learn and share through connection with other members and people working in their areas of interest. Yet most Associations are challenged to provide greater membership value and understandably have limited capacity to deliver connectivity, apart from through occasional and conventional means, such as conferences and meet ups.
In the meantime, many member websites will typically be isolated, static and underperforming, and the online connections between members will randomly rely on sparse personal contact and maybe little else.
Flightdec Communities can deliver valuable online capabilities to your members and, at the same time, develop a growing and interconnected member community for the members and the Association. What better way to build value into membership and deliver a cost effective method of helping the association’s recruitment and retention?
Flightdec Communities can deliver:
- A quality, capable and affordable website for the Association
- Individual members also have the option of having their own community website
- Every day content sharing between consenting member sites and the Association site
The ability to constantly learn and promote, at your fingertips
- Control over your website and all your connections – get instant connections with less cumbersome linking
- Content that’s centrally updatable to instantly share through member sites
- Abilities to customise centrally developed content for local use
- Capabilities to make any content public or private for members
- Integrated platform to better exploit social media
- Robust technology with sites built to W3C standards
- Access to more online capabilities over time.
Usage examples:
Shared knowledge, experiences and ideas
Sector professionals post blogs, articles and news pages into their own websites and elect to broadcast. Members can receive this content as an display link into their websites if it’s relevant to their interests, while the Association website may elect to aggregate all this content.
Bringing together the content created within the community
The Association website sets up display pages for say blog posts, events and articles. It then automatically receives content listings from websites within the membership community. The community website therefore acts as a hub and provides authoritative aggregation of community posted content.
Save time, effort and inaccuracies
Complex technical content is created centrally by the Association and placed in its website, e.g. a page titled ‘Rules Of The Association’. An intro/listing for this content can be instantly accessed through any number of regional and member websites in the knowledge it’s accurate and current, while any localised customisations can simply be added to by each receiving website.
*Examples can only operate as described if websites are operating within Flightdec Communities.